Do you have Unclaimed Funds (Lost Accounts)?
Unclaimed Funds (or Lost Accounts) are funds you own that you may have not been aware of, or forgotten, or for which you had not received annual reports due to failure to update contact information, or you cannot remember where they are located. These funds are essentially sitting and waiting for you to claim.
What types of Unclaimed Funds could there be waiting for you to find?
Inactive retirement accounts – funds you deposited in the past (as employees or self-employed) in educational funds ("Keren Hishtalmut"), pension funds, life insurance or provident funds ("Kupat Gemel").
Inactive bank accounts and savings – inactive checking or savings accounts, in Israeli or foreign currency, which you opened in a bank other than your usual bank, or savings you put aside and forgot about.
Purchased Insurances – expired insurance policies, insurance products used as retirement savings, such as life insurance supplementary to Managers’ insurance ("Bituach Menahalim").
Funds inherited from a deceased relative – bank accounts, savings, retirement savings or life insurances under the deceased relative’s name.
How to locate Lost Accounts?
Log onto the websites “Har Hakesef” and “Har Habituach” and search under your name and the names of deceased relatives.
"Har Hakesef" -
"Har Hakesef" is a search engine for searching lost retirement savings accounts, life insurance policies, bank accounts and savings accounts.
"Har Habituach" -
"Har Habituach" is a search engine that securely displays all the insurance products you purchased from all the insurance companies in Israel. The service provides basic and important information regarding the insurance products you purchased, the insurance period, the price you paid and at which insurance company they can be found.
All your insurance-related information is in one place – life insurance, health insurance, personal accident insurance, homeowners’ insurance, etc.
Pay attention to whether or not a number of insurance policies exist for the same type of coverage – to ensure that there is no duplication in coverage. If the same property has insurance policies in a number of companies, or the same type of insurance is duplicated (such as health insurance or personal accidents), then insurance remunerations may only be paid once! Canceling duplication of insurance coverage will prevent you from paying twice for the same product.
After obtaining the information from "Har Habituach", you should find out from a professional insurance agent if the products purchased are indeed needed by the insured, if the coverage suits your needs, and how to reduce the price and improve the insurance terms.
It is recommended to check the identity of the beneficiaries previously defined in the educational funds ("Keren Hishtalmut"), pension funds, life insurances, provident funds ("Kupat Gemel"), Managers’ insurance ("Bituach Menahalim"), and update them as necessary according to the changes taking place in the insured’s personal life.
How to conduct a search on "Har Hakesef and "Har Habituach"?
Log onto each one of the above websites. All searches on these government websites are free of charge.
*"Har Hakesef" and "Har Habituach" enable you to conduct a search regarding a deceased relative.
The necessary details to search on "Har Hakesef":
• Identification via the official "National Identification System".
• For registration at the "National Identification System" you will need two of the three following documents: an Israeli ID card, an Israeli passport, and an Israeli credit card. Press here to register
The necessary details to search on "Har Habituach":
• Identification via the official "National Identification System".
• For registration at the "National Identification System" you will need two of the three following documents: an Israeli ID card, an Israeli passport, and an Israeli credit card. Press here to register